Itinerio Camino Inca Clasico Machu Picchu 4 Dias
Dejaremos Cusco a las 5:30am en un autobús turístico nos dirigiremos al Valle Sagrado de los incas. Antes que nosotros alcancemos nuestro punto de partida, KILÓMETRO 82, tendremos una pequeña parada en Ollantaytambo y tendremos la opción para desayunar. Antes de empezar el camino inca en el KILÓMETRO 82. Aquí encontraremos al resto del grupo y tendremos que presentar nuestros documentos para el control y el registro. Después del cruce de Río Urubamba (2200m) comenzaremos el legendario camino inca. El primer día el camino es fácil para andar. En Miskay almorzaremos en una pequeña orilla del río explicándoles alguna información sobre el complejo arqueológico de Llactapata. Después de esto, seguiremos nuestra excursión a Wayllabamba (3100m/10170f) y ascenderemos a Yuncachimpa el campamento donde pasara la noche. De aquí, tenemos una gran vista del Nevado de la Verónica misteriosa.
- Nivel de dificultad: Moderado
- Tiempo de caminata: 6-7 horas
- Distancia total: 11km aprox.
El segundo día es » el día de excursión libre «, esto quiere decir que cada uno debería andar en su propio paso. Desde luego usted encontrará pequeñas paradas, Temprano por la mañana el camino nos conducira hacia el Valle de Llulluchapampa (3850m/12631f). Durante 3km de caminata – disfrutaran del bosque húmedo y los sonidos de agua. De Llulluchapampa, seguirán el camino durante 2-3 horas hasta que usted alcance el punto más alto de esta sección, el Warmihuañusca (el Paso de Muerte) (4200m/113780f). Se conocen esta subida como la parte más difícil del camino inca. Después de una parada corta en la cumbre, usted sigue su excursión con una pendiente larga y escarpada al río Pacaymayu hacia el pase de Runkurakay (3050m/10007f) hasta que usted alcance nuestro camping llamado Chaquicocha en (3650m/11975f). Aquí usted puede relajarse a partir del día, disfrutando de una vista asombrosa sobre las montañas.
- Nivel de dificultad: difícil
- Tiempo de caminata: 8-9 horas
- Distancia total: 15 kilómetros aprox.
El tercer día es el más hermoso. Usted puede notar un cambio del ecosistema andando por el bosque tropical de Wiñayhuayna. Pasaremos dos pequeños lagos en lo alto del segundo pase (3950m). Esto será una subida apacible por un pequeño túnel inca, ofrece una magnífica vista sobre el Río Urubamba del Valle sagrado. El establecimiento más cercano es llamado Phuyupatamarca / » la Ciudad encima de las nubes » (3600m/11811f). Un sitio bien conservado con baños de inca de cadena largos donde uno puede disfrutar de la ingeniería impresionante antigua. Pasamos otro túnel inca antes de la visita del complejo de Wiñayhuayna / » Siempre jóven » (2650m/8694f). La escalera inca será en forma de zigzag hasta que usted alcance un edificio rojo-techado blanco, nuestro último camping sitio, y también una posición con agua caliente (S5) y bebidas embotelladas.
- Nivel de dificultad: normal
- Tiempo de caminata: 5-6 horas
- Distancia total: 10 kilómetros Aprox.
Después de nuestro desayuno que es a las 4:30am nos dirigiremos, con nuestras linternas, al Inti Punku (la Puerta del Sol) para conseguir la primera vista de Machu Picchu y miraremos la salida del sol sobre Machu Picchu. La última pendiente triunfal tomará casi una hora antes de la visita a la ciudadela de Machu Picchu (2400m // 7874f) alrededor 8.00am. Usted puede disfrutar de su encanto espiritual durante un viaje guiado (aproximadamente dos horas) esto le ayuda a entender el significado y el trabajo antiguo del parque arqueológico. Después de este viaje usted tendrá bastante tiempo libre para explorar por su cuenta el sitio arqueológico, podrán ir al Puente inca, para exploran la variedad de monumentos incas, también podrán subir a Huayna Picchu para obtener una imagen panorámica y asombrosa. De Machu Picchu, habrá autobuses que esperaran pos usted para descender a Aguas Calientes. Aquí usted podrá visitar las aguas termales del pueblo de aguas calientes ticket ($10). Dejaremos Aguas Calientes a las 16:20hrs para retornar a Cusco.
- Nivel de dificultad: normal
- Tiempo de caminata: 2-3 horas
- Distancia total: 7 kilómetros aprox.
- Transporte privado y transfer al Cusco.
- Tren turístico de Ollantaytambo a kilómetro. 104 en 7hrs 45 (Principio del camino inca de 2 días)
- Tren turístico de Aguas Calientes a Ollantaytambo y autobús para su traslado a la ciudad del cusco
- Autobús turístico 2 vías de caminos entre Aguas Calientes y Machu Picchu.
- Precio para entrar al Camino inca y Machu Picchu.
- Guía profesional bilingüe (español e inglés).
- Comidas durante la excursión (1 desayuno, 1 almuerzo de caja, 1 vegetariano de cena/opción).
- Hotel en el pueblo de Aguas Calientes (Machupicchu o Continental o similar).
- Botiquín y botella de oxígeno.
No Incluye
- Último almuerzo en Aguas Calientes.
- Bus de bajada segundo dia
What do I need to bring?
- Backpack with rain cover (30- or 40-liter capacity is sufficient).
- Clothing for both warm and cold climates.
- Trekking shoes/boots.
- Slippers or sandals (for showers and hot springs).
- Woolen/synthetic socks and a sweater.
- Long- and short-sleeved T-shirts.
- Rain poncho/waterproof jacket and a hat.
- Bathing suit (for the hot springs in Aguas Calientes).
- Sunscreen, insect repellent, toilet paper, hand cleaner/disinfecting alcohol gel.
- Camera (with rain protection), a flash light/headlamp and extra batteries.
- Snacks (e.g. chocolate bars and dried fruit)
- Original passport, original ISIC student card (to receive the student discount) and extra money in soles.
- Since the weather can be very cold and rainy, your clothes – once wet – won’t dry at night. It’s best to take some clothes to change.
- Permission to hike Wayna Picchu: Permission requires booking months in advance with an additional charge $70.00USD to guarantee your entrance.
- Extra porter: We can arrange for a porter to carry your backpack/luggage if your luggage weighs 15kg/33lb or less (the weight limit is mandated by Peruvian law 26702). The cost is $140.00USD, and includes transport, entrance fee to the Inca Trail, food and camping equipment for the porter.
- Tips: Porters, cooks and guides always appreciate tips for their services. The porters are also grateful for small donations of clothes and school supplies for their children.
- Camping sites: The camping sites described in our itinerary (Yuncachimpa, Chaquicocha and Wiñaywayna) may be changed due to availability and restrictions on the number of trekkers. In high season (May-September) some campsites, such as Wiñaywayna, are almost always full. If the campsites are full, the Ministry of Culture (the government entity which supervises and controls the Inca Trail) will assign other campsites (Wayllabamba, Pacaymayu and Phuyupatamarca) as needed.
- Return ticket: We’ll leave Aguas Calientes by train either at 2:55pm or 6:45pm. The schedule depends on ticket availability and on how far in advance you book your trip. In the afternoon, you can have lunch in one of many good restaurants in Aguas Calientes or relax in the natural springs. Depending on which train you take, you’ll arrive at your hotel in Cusco at about 6:00pm or 10:00pm.
- Health considerations: It is a common misconception that because many people do the Inca Trail, it’s easy. It is not. The Trail is 45km/26 m long and involves great physical exertion to complete. Combined with the high altitude and potential extreme weather, the trek can be difficult. Therefore, we strongly recommend you are well acclimatized to high altitudes, in good physical condition and healthy. You must declare any medical issues in advance and bring your own medications. We want you to enjoy your trip and be safe!
- Weather: The Andean weather can be unpredictable, despite the sharp divide between dry and wet seasons. The dry season runs from May to October or November; the rainy season goes from December through April. Nevertheless, Inca Trail lies in forested areas and high-altitude where the weather is unpredictable and can change within hours.
Conditions & Terms:
- We require an immediate deposit of $150.00USD for all bookings.
- For all tours and treks, the balance must be paid in full up to 48 hours prior to the start of the program. If you want to pay the balance in the office of XTreme Tourbulencia, we only accept cash payment. Failure to pay the trek balance will result in tour cancellation.
- If a participant decides to cancel during the briefing 2 days prior to departure, he or she has to pay the full amount of the trek. XTreme Tourbulencia, however, will cover the expenses (hotel and train ticket) made by that participant to visit Machu Picchu. This offer must be confirmed at the briefing itself.
- The Client may cancel the booking at any time provided that the cancellation is communicated to info@x-tremetourbulencia.comin writing. Cancellation charges will be applied as shown below calculated from the day written notification is received by All reservations cancelled less than 15 days prior to the departure date of the tour are subject to a cancellation fee
- The Inca Trail is non-transferable, non-reimbursable and the participant cannot change the date of departure.
- If the traveler makes the decision to abandon the excursion during the program, no reimbursement will be made and no claim will be accepted. XTreme Tourbulencia does not cover the expenses made by the traveler for the hotel and the transport back to Cusco or to Aguas Calientes, as well as a hotel in Aguas Calientes. Also, the traveler will be accompanied by a representative of XTreme Tourbulencia back to the train station.
- Certain services might be interrupted or even cancelled due to weather conditions, natural disasters or other disturbances. These are out of the control of hotels, service suppliers, XTreme Tourbulencia or its partners and therefore, no refund will be given.
- To receive the student discount of $20.00USD, we require a copy of a university student card with valid expiration date and picture.It is very important to bring your original student card to validate the discount. In the event that we don’t receive the scanned copy of the student card along with your reservation form, we will process your reservation at the full, adult price.
- If XTreme Tourbulencia doesn’t confirm the reservation, the deposit will be refunded.
- In the case of force majeur, when a trek cannot start or be completed, XTreme Tourbulencia will find an alternative route to go to Machu Picchu. If this alternative is of lower value than the originally booked excursion, XTreme Tourbulencia will refund the difference.
- It is compulsory that all clients have personal travel insurance. This insurance must cover personal accidents, medical expenses, loss of effects and all other expenses which might arise as a result of loss, damage or injury occurring to the client. XTreme Tourbulencia cannot be considered responsible for any accident or loss of personal belongings the customer caused by his/her own actions.
Period before departure written notification is received. | Cancellation fee as a percentage of the holiday price |
15-10 days. | 50% |
9-7 days. | 80% |
6 days or less. | 100% |
Inca Trail Faqs:
- How many days does it take to complete the Inca Trail? For the Inca Trail you will have two options to choose from. The most famous and on demand is the 4 day / 3 night trek, this is followed by the Inca Trail of 2 days/1 night. The 2 day option is much more viable to a wide variety of people, while the 4 day will test your endurance.
- Is there any kind of training required to complete the Inca Trail? To accommodate your trip and make it as smooth and comfortable as possible we recommend prior to your trip, to set walking routines of about 30 minutes per day, as well as consistent stretching. Since you will walk an average of 6 hours daily by the Andes, it is important to warm up the body. Mountain ascents and descents until arriving at Machu Picchu via Inca trail for a total route of approximately 48KM in 4 days.
- Will access to bathrooms and other hygiene services be available? Considering how the government has been improving the campsites, each of them now has basic hygienic services, and in the last camp of Wiñayhuayna you will have the opportunity to take a shower (cold water).
- Can the Inca trail be done on our own? As much as people would love to, this is not possible. It is mandatory to contract the services of an operator agency for the Machu Picchu Inca Trail, and to ensure there is a space available.
- In order to ensure reservation, how far in advanced do I need to reserve the Inca Trail? We always recommend that you make your reservation months in advance, minimum 2 or 3 months for low season (from December to March), and 6 to 7 months for the high season (from April to November). During the high season for the Machu Picchu Inca trail tour, the government sells only 500 spaces per day due to high traffic of people and is sold out many months in advance.
- I am ready to make the reservation, how do I book the Inca Trail? The first step would be to contact us ( requesting the availability for the date you are planning to make the Inca Trail. We will confirm if we have spaces available for the requested date, in the case that there are no spaces available, we will inform you of the alternate treks available the desired dates. We will ask you to send us the following information: full names, passport number, nationality, age. If you are a student, the copy of the ISIC card. All info sent to us must be valid and current.
- For how long can we stay in Machu picchu? While on the Inca Trail we will arrive to Machu Picchu at approximately 7:30 am. You will have the opportunity to use the bathroom, followed by the guided tour which lasts about 1h 45m. After the guided tour you will have free time to explore Machu Picchu. The archaeological complex closes at 16:30 pm.
- Are porters included? For the Inca Trail trek, the porter service is included, and they will be responsible for loading the camping equipment, food, cooking, etc. Tourists should carry their essential backpack at all times, water, phone, passports, money, cameras, etc. The porter is very helpful as they carry up to 12kl of luggage, which frees you to enjoy the walk and landscape.
- For how many hours will we walk, and how many kilometers does the Inca Trail comprise? The total distance of the Inca trail is 43Km total, which is divided between camps. Each one at a distance of approximately 10 to 13km with an approximate time of about 6 to 8 hours daily, a lot also depends on the endurance, experience, pace of the group.
- Is the Inca Trail available all year? The Inca Trail is open 11 months a year. The month of February the trail is closed for maintenance, in order to keep it in optimal conditions for when in use.
- How do I gain access to Huayna Picchu Mountain on the Inca Trail tour? The Inca Trail trek includes Inca Trail + Machu Picchu. However, if you wish to climb to Huayna Picchu Mountain you will have to buy the ticket for Machu Picchu + Huayna Picchu mountain with us. This mountain is high on demand so we recommend you book 6 months in advance.
- What is the size of the group in the Inca trail? For the Inca Trail tour we follow the same rule as our other treks we have groups of 10 passengers max.
1. Un depósito de $ 150 USD. Los depósitos se realizan a través del siguiente enlace de PayPal.

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Apellido Materno: | Arroyo |
ID or DNI: | 22976985 |
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